Counseling Services is dedicated to offering our students a variety of ways to interact with our office! We wanted to highlight some of the ways we encourage students to prioritize different areas of their mental health through some of our outreach activities! What you see here is just a glimpse, so make sure to check out Anchored-In and our social media accounts to see what is going on in Counseling Services! 

Coffee Convos 

Coffee Convos are designed to encourage students to talk about relevant topics which impact mental health. Grab a free cup of coffee and a snack and let’s have a conversation about how to navigate different situations while prioritizing your mental health! 

coffee convos family drama coffee convos - online dating adjusting to adulting

 Life Hacks

Our Life Hacks series is designed to help our students adjust to the adult world by minimizing the mental, emotional and physical clutter that gets in the way. These tips and tricks for decluttering and staying organized are designed with our Neurodivergent friends in mind!  

Expression Sessions

expression sessionBeing creative is a great way to express your emotions in a healthy way. It also allows you to relax and make something beautiful! Counseling Services offers Expression Sessions to provide students with an opportunity to do that. We bring the supplies, all you need to do is come and make the most out of this space where you can be brave and feel safe to express yourself! 

Resilience Through Dark Times 

resilience through dark timesResilience Through Dark Times (RTDT), is an event hosted by Counseling Services in the Fall semester. It is an exhibit of student’s literary and visual arts based on the theme of Resilience. We offer Expression Sessions leading up to this event to allow students an opportunity to create their submissions. As students explore the art exhibit, sipping on sparkling cider and partaking of finger foods provided, they will hear song submissions from students that helped them remain resilient. At the conclusion of the exhibit, Counseling Services will tally the votes and announce the winners of “Pilot’s Picks” on their Instagram. The winners can come by Counseling Services to pick up their prize.  

Neon Night

Join us on the dance floor in the Spring semester for our annual Neon Night! As part of building a sense of belonging and awareness of alcohol and other drugs, Counseling Services and our partners in Student Affairs bring you Neon Night! Enjoy the show, food, dancing, and games! Want to show off your skills? Join our Dance Battle for a chance to win a prize! Our winners won’t be the only thing shining underneath the blacklights as students and faculty sport their neon attire. 

wear your neon mocktail menu neon night flyer

Counseling Services in the Classroom 

Counseling Services will come to your classroom! Wanting to help your students with Stress Relief? We will come to your classroom and offer a Relaxation Session (option of guided meditation or progressive muscle relaxation) or an Expression Session (art supplies provided)! We can also offer psychoeducation through one of the following presentations topics: 

  • Healthy Boundaries and Hook-up Culture 
  • Mental Health and Phone Use 
  • Neurodivergence 
  • Managing Anxiety 
  • Self-Care & Stress Management 
  • Life Hacks: Decluttering Mind and Space 
  • Burnout 
  • Imposter Syndrome 
Ready to pilot your future?
Counseling Services Hours

Administration Building
Room 230


Operating Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 5:00pm

We do not offer on-call services.

View our Resource Guide here.

YouTube Channel
Facebook page 
Instagram page

Wellness Task Force

The vision of the Wellness Task Force is to work collaboratively to achieve a campus community focused on wellness, support, and prevention at all levels. Their objective is to improve wellbeing for students, staff and faculty; increase the sense of community at LSUS; align with the university startegic plan; and increase student success. The task force's top priorities include student mental health and faculty/staff wellbeing. 

If you are a faculty/staff member or a currently enrolled student and are interested in becoming a part of the LSUS Wellness Task Force, contact Angie Pellerin at for more information.